Page 28 - Lungshan Pottery Lunshanoid Research 1977 Paper
P. 28

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                    1.   The   ceramics     were coded using        a three     digit number.

                         The   shape of the bottom portion             is described       by  the

                         first    digit.     Vessels with       pointed     or rounded bottoms

                         are   set  in the     categories with        the   ordinal number from

                         000   to  0 9 9 t  vessels with     flat   bottoms     in that of      1 0 0

                         and   199» "the vessels with         ringfeet     with    the ordinals

                         between    200 and     2 9 9 ,  the vessels with       tripods with       the

                         ordinals between        300   and   399»   the vessels with         four legs

                         with   the   ordinals between        4 0 0 and   499,   "the covers     of

                         the   vessels with      the   ordinals between         900 and 9 9 .
                    2.   According     to the     shape of the highest          part of     the

                         vessels within the         categories divided above, the               value

                         of  1-99 (the second         and   third   digit)    is set     out under

                         the following orderi          the vessels with bigger mouth

                         and   shallower     depth are      given a smaller value           while

                         those   with    smaller mouth and         deeper body are given           a

                         larger value;       in the meantime the angle             of wall     and

                         bottom, and      the construction of          vessel*s     l i p are also

                         divided    by   several detailed        criteria*      the outward

                         flaring    rim   i s given    a smaller value, while            the inward

                         curving rim      is given     a higher     value.

                     It  i s obvious     that   L i Chi has     set very     firm   and objective

                    criteria     to   classify     and   seriate    the pottery vessels.
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