Page 29 - Lungshan Pottery Lunshanoid Research 1977 Paper
P. 29


                   Dr.   L i  (1956J    37) comments concerning the             illustrations

                   of the pottery        vessels     which are arranged under the rules

                   described      above that      "perhaps some of those extremely

                   similar     i n shape are divided         into two     different groups

                   but   some of those quite          different     i n shape are grouped into

                   one   cluster".       For example, both forms of pottery                 of 5P
                   and   15N,   which are similar         i n shape are divided into

                   005   and   015   groups    (Fig.   5)   (Li  1956t    Corpus of Yin-hsu
                   Pottery     I), the same       situation of      16G and 46D are also

                   divided     into   016 and     046 groups (Fig. 5»6) (Corpus of
                   Yin-hsu Pottery        I and    II); while      107P and     107E or    107M

                   quite    different     i n shape are grouped into the              107 cluster

                   (Fig.    7 ) (Corpus     of Yin-hsu Pottery         III),    279F   and   279K

                   into   the   279 cluster (Fig.         8) (Corpus of Yin-hsu           Pottery

                   XI),   295D    and  295G    into   the   295 group     (Fig.    9 ) (Corpus of

                   Yin-hsu     Pottery XII),       309E   and   309P   or  309K    or  309G   into

                   the   309 cluster (Fig.         10) (Corpus of Yin-hsu Pottery               XIII),

                   and so on.       Nonetheless, K.C.          Chang comments that         L i Chi*s

                   work   is "too     Scientific"       (Chang   1 9 5 7 ) .  It  is true,     since

                   the   criteria he uses ?are without much               cultural significance,

                   his   classification of Hsiao-Vun Pottery                  i s too close to

                   natural     science    to be useful to a         social     science.
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