Page 36 - Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols
P. 36

Handbook of Tibetan Buddhis#133  9/1/10  11:34 AM  Page 18

                  18   T he Handbook of  T ibet an B uddhist S ymbols

                         Bowl containing the mirror, yogurt, bilva fruit, and durva grass (top left corner); bowl containing
                        conch, medicine, vermilion, and mustard seed (top right corner). Immediately below are a cluster of
                       jewels with the eight auspicious substances behind them. At the bottom center is a bowl containing the
                        eight auspicious substances, with a futher bowl of the eight auspicious substances to the right, and a
                                            bowl containing the five sense offerings to the left.

                       Sujata (Tib. Legs-skyes-ma) presented to the  Mangala (Tib. bKra-shis). Durva grass is a
                       Buddha before he sat under the bodhi-tree.  symbol of longevity and tenacity, and repre-
                       The curds represent right livelihood, as it is  sents right effort as the enduring resolve to
                       free from any impurity and is produced    practice the dharma.
                       without harming any living creature.         The bilva fruit was presented to Shakya-
                         The durva grass represents the eight arm-  muni by the god Brahma, and represents
                       fuls of grass that were presented to the Bud-  right action as the fruition of all virtuous
                       dha as a meditation seat by the grass-cutter  activities.
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