Page 52 - Bonhams Presencer Buddhist Art Collection Oct. 2 2018
P. 52
Three overarching Buddhist traditions developed in 佛教中有三個主要的傳統流派,其最先形成於古印度,後傳播
Ancient India and spread throughout Asia, adapting to new 到其它亞洲國家,並在傳播過程中融入了當地的政治人文環境
landscapes, political climates, and pre-existing beliefs. These 以及原始信仰。這三個主要流派被稱為佛教的三乘: 上座部
are referred to as Buddhism’s three vehicles: Theravada, (小乘)佛教、大乘佛教及金剛乘 (密教)佛教。如今,上
Mahayana, and Vajrayana. Today, Theravada predominates 座部佛教在東南亞,大乘佛教在東亞以及金剛乘在喜馬拉雅
in Southeast Asia, Mahayana in East Asia, and Vajrayana 地區各佔據主導地位。然而這些流派也一定程度上共存 。小
in the Himalayas. However, there have always been 乘、 大乘及金剛乘對於成道過程各有稍微不同的觀點,體現
varying degrees of overlap. Theravada, Mahayana, and 在其信徒所應效仿的完美聖者稍有區別。這些模範包括羅漢、
Vajrayana each perceives a Buddhist’s spiritual path slightly 菩薩及密教上師們,弗雷森勒收藏便匯集了來自不同國家的相
differently, regarding alternative paradigms of the perfected 關作品,得以將不同佛教流派所尊崇的聖者一並呈現出來。
being that its followers should strive to embody. These
are arhats, bodhisattvas, and tantric masters respectively,
and the Presencer Collection brings together examples of
these paradigms from the countries where each tradition