Page 41 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 41

At this moment his former attendant, the venerable Upavana,

            came forward to fan the Buddha but was asked to step aside.

            Ananda then asked the Buddha why he had turned down the

            monk’s service and the Buddha replied that Devas had assem-

            bled in great numbers to see the Tathagata and they were rather

            displeased that their view was concealed by Upavana.

            Sakyamuni Buddha then told Ananda that after his death faith-

            ful followers should revere four places which have been made

             sacred by his association:

            1.  e place of his birth (Lumbini).

            2.  e place where he attained Enlightenment (Buddha Gaya).

            3.  e place where he preached his first sermon (Sarnath).

            4.  e place where he attained Parinirvana (Kusinagara).

            e Buddha further added that those who should die while mak-

            ing such a pilgrimage would be reborn in a heavenly state.

            e dying Buddha then asked the monks around him three times

            whether there were any remaining questions or doubts about his

            teachings, but all kept silent. Turning to Ananda he said, “What

            I have taught and laid down, Ananda, as Dharma and Vinaya,

            this will be your Master when I am gone.” en turning to the

            assembly of monks he made this final pronouncement:

                 “...transient  are  all  conditioned  things.  ry  to  accomplish

                  your aim with diligence”.

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