Page 43 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 43
en he entered successive stages of deeper and deeper medita-
tion from which he passed into parinirvana. us ended the life
of Buddha who is known to the world as Sakyamuni Buddha,
the Sage of the Sakya Clan, the Historic Buddha who founded
Buddhism that gave mankind the way to supreme Deliverance.
It was the full-moon day of the month of Vesakha.
His body was then cremated and the relics divided into eight
portions and sent to the various kingdoms where they were en-
shrined in Stupas.
rayers to the uddha akyamuni
Daily every Buddhist should pay homage to the Buddha by re-
citing any of these prayers:
“N M B S S J M N F”
which means ‘Hail Our Original Teacher Sakyamuni Buddha’.
“N T B A S-B”
which means ‘Homage to the Great Compassionate Completely
Enlightened One’.
As the Buddha is endowed with numerous qualities, various
epithets have been bestowed upon Him. He is therefore also ad-
dressed as: