Page 44 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 44
J — Conqueror
T — One gone to ‘suchness’
S — Well-gone One
B — Blessed One
A — Capable One
A — Matchless One
S — Perfect Buddha
Buddhists are also required to Take Refuge in the ree Jewels
each day as a committment to practising the Buddha’s teaching
for the benefit of all sentient beings. e ree Jewels consist of
the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha and the Buddha’s way
of life requires one to live wholesomely by adhering to the Noble
Eightfold Path. ose who do so will successfully avoid these
ten non-virtuous actions:
Killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, slandering,
malicious speech, idle speech, covetousness, malevolence
and erroneous views.
e most holy day for all Buddhists is the celebration of W
or Buddha Day which generally falls in the month of May. is
is a thrice blessed day which celebrates the three major events:
the Birth, Enlightenment and the Passing-away of Gautama
the Buddha. On this day Chinese Buddhists make their way to
the temples to pay homage to the Buddha and to reaffirm their
faith in the Buddha Dharma. It is truly a religious day and many
people will spend it in meditation or prayer-recitation for the well-