Page 34 - Bonhams Dicker Collection Snuff Bottles March 2015
P. 34
1032 (two views) 1032
A carved yellow glass snuff bottle
1033 Imperial, Palace Workshops, Beijing 1750-1820
Well-hollowed, of compressed globular form with a waisted neck, flat
32 | BONHAMS lip, rounded oval foot ring, carved in relief around the walls with two
Mandarin ducks wading along a river beneath leafy lotus branches
and under the sun surrounded by ruyi-form cloud scrolls, the glass of
rich egg yolk-yellow.
2 1/4in (5.7cm)
$5,000 - 7,000
Asiantique, 4 February 1995
Norton Museum of Art, September-November 1997
A gold aventurine-flecked cobalt blue glass
snuff bottle
Imperial, Palace Workshops, Beijing, 1740-1795
Well-hollowed, of flattened rounded form with a very subtly waisted
neck, flat lip, finely finished oval foot ring, the rich translucent blue
ground in stunning contrast to the sparkling gold splashes.
2 1/8in (5.4cm) high
$2,000 - 3,000
The Asian Art Studio, Inc., March 2004
M. Guanero, Switzerland