Page 166 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 166

                                                                              IMPORTANTE STATUE D'AMITAYUS EN
                                                                              CHINE, DYNASTIE MING, XVEME SIECLE
                                                                              Il est représenté assis en vajrasana sur une socle
                                                                              lotiforme. Ses mains reposent sur ses cuisses
                                                                              en dhyanamudra. Il est paré de bijoux et vêtu d'un
                                                                              dhoti, un châle sur ses épaules. Son visage est
                                                                              empreint  de  sérénité.  Ses  cheveux  sont  ceints
                                                                              d'une couronne ; petite restauration, traces de
                                                                              dorure, non scellée.
                                                                              Hauteur: 37,5 cm. (14æ in.)

                                                                              €150,000-250,000   US$170,000-280,000
                                                                              German private collection, 1980s, by repute.
                                                                              Christie's New York, 21 March 2012, lot 796.
                                                                              Property of a Southeast Asian collector
                                                                              AN IMPORTANT BRONZE FIGURE OF
                                                                              CHINA, MING DYNASTY, 15TH CENTURY
                                                                              明十五世紀 銅無量壽佛坐像

                                                                              This  splendid  fgure  of  Amitayus,  the  Buddha  of
                                                                              Infnite Life, is represented here in his traditional
                                                                              iconography. He sits in the diamond posture
                                                                              or vajrasana on a lotus base. Both hands are
                                                                              placed fat on his lap in the meditation gesture,
                                                                              dhyanamudra, originally supporting the vase of
                                                                              elixir of immortality. He is wearing a dhoti  and  is
                                                                              heavily bejewelled. His face is of a rather square
                                                                              shape, his hair combed in a chignon and secured
                                                                              with a tiara. This facial shape is common for
                                                                              ffteenth century examples. In fact, the entire style
                                                                              of this bronze fgure seems to be based on Yongle
                                                                              and Xuande examples of the frst half of the
                                                                              ffteenth century. His facial expression as well the
                                                                              specifc ornamentation are characteristic features
                                                                              of bronze sacred images stemming from this period.
                                                                              Most likely this fne image was cast during the
                                                                              second half of the ffteenth century as suggested
                                                                              by the fnials of the streamers of the scarf falling to
                                                                              the front of the lotus-base. This seems to be a new
                                                                              stylistic feature that was introduced around the
                                                                              mid-ffteenth century. Various comparable though
                                                                              gilt-bronze bodhisattva examples are illustrated in
                                                                              ‘Buddhist Images in Gilt Metal’, Chang Foundation,
                                                                              Taipei 1993, plates 32, 33 and 66 showing the
                                                                              same fnials falling over the base and all dated to
                                                                              the second half of the ffteenth century.

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