Page 67 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
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The present bowl is a rare example and belongs to a small group of 此撇口碗雖無年號款識,但從其掐絲工藝、紋飾圖案以及琺瑯質地都
cloisonné wares produced during the second half of the 16th century, 具有嘉慶時期的特點。嘉慶皇帝篤信道教,因此內廷製作的藝術品上
which was mostly under the reign of the Jiajing emperor. The Jiajing 多帶有道教色彩的裝飾題材。
emperor was particularly fervent in his Daoist beliefs among the Ming
dynasty emperors. The decoration on the current bowl represents the 參看巴黎裝飾藝術博物館藏一件嘉靖款掐絲琺瑯雲鶴紋壽字碗,著
ideal state of Dao. 錄於B. Quette,《Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming,
and Qing Dynasties》,紐約,2011年,圖版38。另見北京故宮藏一
Compare a cloisonné enamel bowl of this form, similarly decorated 件明代掐絲琺瑯嬰戲圖觚,時代定為嘉慶時期,著錄於《中國金銀玻
on the interior with a shou-character surrounded by cranes in flight, 璃琺瑯器全集5:琺瑯器(一)河北,2001年,編號102。
in the Museé des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, illustrated by B. Quette,
ed., Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing 在嘉靖時期景德鎮官窯瓷器上亦可窺見類似形製及紋飾的青花碗,如
Dynasties, New York, 2011, pl.38. For figural decoration of similar 一件明嘉靖青花龍鳳紋碗,碗心同樣飾「壽」字,以及另一件明嘉靖
composition on cloisonné enamel, see that on a gu vase in the 青花蓮塘魚藻紋碗,著錄於何懿行主編,《爐火純青:嘉靖及萬里官
Palace Museum. Beijing, Jiajing period, illustrated in Zhongguo jinyin 窯瓷器》,香港,2009年,編號8及10。
boli falangqi quanji: 5: falangqi vol.1, Hebei, 2001, no. 102.
For a closely related counterpart in Imperial porcelain, revealing
the close relationship between the imperial enamel workshops and
porcelain kilns at Jingdezhen, see a blue and white ‘dragon and
phoenix’ bowl, Jiajing mark and period, also decorated in the interior
with a central shou-character medallion; and another related blue and
white ‘fish’ bowl, Jiajing mark and period, both illustrated by J.Ho ed.,
The Fame of Flame: Imperial Wares of the Jiajing and Wanli Periods,
Hong Kong, 2009, nos. 8 and 10.