Page 68 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 68
16th century
The gently curved shallow sides rising from a short tapering foot to an
everted rim, colourfully enamelled in the centre with three immortals, fu
(God of Fortune), lu (God of Prosperity) and shou (God of Longevity),
flanked by a deer and a crane, all beneath a gnarled pine tree set
within a mountain landscape, the interior of the cavetto enamelled with
eight Buddhist emblems including endless knot, wheel of the Law,
conch shell, parasol, canopy, lotus, lidded jar and paired fish amidst
lotus scrolls on a sapphire-blue ground, the exterior brightly enamelled
with yellow, white, green, blue lotus blossoms borne on leafy scrolls
against a blue ground on the sides, the base similarly decorated
against a sapphire-blue ground, the mouth rim and foot rim gilt.
20.6cm (8 1/2in) diam.
HKD250,000 - 350,000
US$32,000 - 45,000
十六世紀 銅胎掐絲琺瑯福祿壽三星盤
The Three Star Gods, known as the Sanxing, are gods of the three 銅胎,圓口,腹微鼓斜躺收於圈足,平底,盤心掐絲描繪福祿壽三星
constellations considered essential in Chinese mythology and 聚於松下,兩側圍繞一鶴一鹿,三星衣袍分別填以紅、藍、黃料,
astrology. Compare a similarly decorated dish, dated second half 細節再填雜色,背景填以青綠山水藍天及三色祥雲,空中一鶴飛舞,
of the 17th century, illustrated H.Brinker and A.Lutz, Chinesisches 內壁飾青地番蓮紋圍繞八吉祥,外壁及盤底滿飾藍地及青地纏枝番蓮
Cloisonné: Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Zurich, 1984, pl.160. See 紋,口沿及圈足鎏金。
also a related cloisonné enamel box and cover, late Ming dynasty,
decorated with three Immortals within a mountain landscape, 對比Pierre Uldry收藏一例晚明掐絲琺瑯盤,其盤壁與本例同為八吉
illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: 祥圖案,唯盤心紋飾為西王母祝壽圖, 著錄於H.Brinker 及A.Lutz
Enamels 1: Cloisonné in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Beijing, 編,《Chinesisches Cloisonné: Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry》,蘇黎
2011, no.157. 世,1984年,圖版160。另見故宮博物院藏一件明末掐絲琺瑯山水人
物紋圓盒,盒蓋面所飾人 物故宮與本例相近,錄於故宮博物院編,