Page 108 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 108
Saburo Matsubara, Zoutei Chugoku Bukkyo თ˖j
A RARE GILT-BRONZE VOTIVE Choukoku Shi Kenkyu [Chinese Buddhist ͍Έɚϋɧ˜ɤɓ˚ڡڦɻ̦̱˃ֈɚɛ
FIGURE OF AVALOKITESVARA Sculpture - A study based on bronze and stone މɳࢹʍঐிᝈࠪ྅
statues other than works from cave temples],
NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY, DATED Tokyo, 1966, pl. 80 a & b.
CORRESPONDING TO 521 Skilfully cast, the image of Avalokitesvara belongs ؒࡡɧࠛdʕ㵤ṷՍ̦ሞd
to a group of similar sculptures of standing ؇ԯd1966ϋdྡو80aʿb
the deity modeled standing before a ! ame- % gures of Maitreya and Avalokitesvara framed
shaped mandorla on a splayed lotus base above against ! ame-shaped mandorlas. The open
a square-form openwork support cast with a two-tiered plinth supporting the present % gure
mythical beast and ! oral motifs, all raised on is a particularly rare feature. Compare a related
a four-legged plinth, the % gure adorned in long % gure of Avalokitesvara, dated by inscription to
! owing robes with hems ! aring out to the sides, 520, raised on an open square-form support in
the right arm raised and holding a lotus stem, the Freer Sackler Collection (acc. no. F1909.264).
the left lowered holding a pendent kundika, the Other dated gilt-bronze % gures of Avalokitesvara
hair swept up into a topknot and framed by a include one % gure, dated to 524, included in the
circular halo on the mandorla enclosing radiating exhibition Rikucho Jidai no Kondobutsu [Gilt
lotus petals, the mandorla further decorated with bronzes from Six Dynasties], Kuboso Memorial
swirling ! ames extending up to the pointed tip, Museum of Arts Izumi, Osaka, 1991, cat. no. 59;
the reverse incised with seven seated Buddhas, and another, dated to 519, from the collection
all above an indistinct dedicatory inscription of Sakamoto Gorō was sold in our Hong Kong
dated to the second year of the Zhengguang rooms, 5th October 2016, lot 3211. A related but
period, corresponding to 521 uninscribed % gure of Maitreya was sold in these
Height 7 in., 17.6 cm rooms, 15th September 2010, lot 286.
$ 50,000-70,000