Page 193 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 193


           A VIEW OF THE HONGS AT            The rapid pace of development along the Canton   A painting nearly identical to the present in the
           CANTON                            waterfront signals the city’s economic and   Sze Yuan Tang Collection is illustrated in Patrick
                                             cultural signi$ cance to the Western communities   Conner, Paintings of the China trade, The Sze
           QING DYNASTY, CIRCA 1820
                                             residing there. Its changing outline was well   Yuan Tang Collection of Historic Paintings, Hong
           oil on canvas, depicting a panorama of the   chronicled and captured by both Western and   Kong Maritime Museum, Hong Kong, 2013, pl. 2,
           waterfront at Canton, with the European-style   Chinese artists. This wealth of documentation   and again in op.cit. pl. 2.42. Two closely related
           factories of the Spanish, American, British and   provides the means to place the present painting   views were sold in these rooms, the $ rst of the
           Dutch, each ! ying their respective ! ags, the   within a speci$ c time frame. The painting depicts   same hongs but a slightly earlier view, 22nd
           foreground with sampans, junks, ski* s and a   features that place it after 1815 when the powerful  January 2016, lot 1153 and the second painting
           small white sailing boat ! ying the Union Jack, all   East India Trade Company paid to update their   of the same view as the present example but
           moored in the placid waters of the Pearl River,   facades as seen in the columned balcony, large   painted on copper from from the Elinor Gordon
           gilt-wood frame                   windows along the upper story and pediment   Collection, 23rd January 2010, lot 54.
           Height 18 in., 45.7 cm; Width 23  in., 58.4 cm   roof but before the devastation of the ‘Great Fire’   18 x 23 ½ inches
                                             of 1822. Winds carried the ! ames from a small
           PROVENANCE                        bakery a mile and half away and within   $ 30,000-50,000
           Berry Hill Galleries, New York (stamped on   36 hours had left the waterfront in ruins. For   ૶ ߒ1820ϋ   ᄿ؇ݱБჃ౻ ذ੹ ༀ࣪
           frame).                           further reading on this topic see Patrick Conner,
           Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, and   The Hongs of Canton, London, 2009, p. 73 and   Ը๕
                                             pp 89-103.
           thence by descent.                                                  Berry Hill Galleriesdॲߒ€Ιᜀ
                                                                               Paul Mellon ͸ᙨϗᔛdϤܝ࢕ૄෂו

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