Page 191 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 191


           A VIEW OF TWO HOUSES ON THE      The present painting bears the studio label   ૶ɤɘ˰ߏʕಂ   մկ೥܃ ɪऎ̮ᛉ౻ ذ੹
           BUND, SHANGHAI                   on the back which gives both the westernized   Ը๕
                                            name Chow Kwa as well as the Chinese name
           STUDIO OF CHOW KWA, QING         Su Zhaocheng to identify the artist. Chow   Child’s Gallerydتɻ཭€໇࣪
           DYNASTY, MID-19TH CENTURY        Kwa’s re$ ned painting style, technical ability   Paul Mellon ͸ᙨϗᔛdϤܝ࢕ૄෂו
                                            and panoramic compositions earned him both
           oil on canvas, a $ nely detailed and spacious
                                            high regard and success among collectors of
           rendering of two European trading houses,
                                            the genre.  The artist’s skillful handling of light,
           separated by a large expanse of lush green
                                            particularly as it interacts with clouds and water,
           lawn dotted with a pair of grazing sheep, an
                                            is one of many traits that distinguish his work.
           ornamental water fountain, and a trellised
           gazebo, with further houses in the background,   A closely related painting of a house on the Bund
           the foreground with two porters strolling along   ascribed to Chow Kwa is illustrated in Patrick
           walled and gated road, gilt-wood frame, Chow   Conner, Paintings of the China Trade, The Sze
           Kwa (! . 1850-1880) studio label on the back of   Yuan Tang Collection of Historic Paintings, Hong
           the frame                        Kong Maritime Museum, Hong Kong, 2013, pl. 39.
           Height 20¼ in., 51.4 cm; Width 32 in., 81.3 cm  A panoramic view of the Bund of larger dimension
                                            from the Albright Knox Collection was sold in
                                            these rooms, 19th March 2007, lot 365.
           Child’s Gallery, Boston (inscribed on frame).
           Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, and   $ 60,000-80,000
           thence by descent.

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