Page 224 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 224
A RARE FAMILLE-VERTE ‘ QILIN’ The present piece belongs to a very rare group of Hong Kong rooms, 11th April 2008, lot 3021. The
BRUSHWASHER Kangxi period washers, all of similar size, " nely thickly-potted form is more commonly found in
painted with auspicious mythological creatures blue and white brushwashers of the period, such
and inscribed with imperial reign marks. Only as a Kangxi mark and period example painted
sturdily potted, supported on a stepped circular two other examples nearly identical to the with a dragon illustrated in Kangxi Porcelain
base rising to gently ! aring, shallow sides, present washer are known, one from the J.M. Hu Wares from the Shanghai Museum Collection,
brightly enameled to the center with a " erce qilin Collection, also inscribed with a six-character Hong Kong, 1998, pl. 15.
glancing over one shoulder, striding through a Kangxi reign mark, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,
mountainous landscape, the interior sides with 30th May 2006, lot 1426, and the other, with an $ 15,000-25,000
‘Buddhist Emblems’ reserved in cartouches on apocryphal Chenghua mark was sold in these ੰဢ ʞᘅྡݹ
alternating diaper grounds, the exterior freely rooms, 13th September 2016, lot 246. A Kangxi- ɽੰဢϋႡಛ
painted with a continuous landscape with a lone marked famille-verte-decorated washer of the
scholar aboard a " shing boat, a small hut nestled same form, also from the J.M. Hu Collection, but
among hills, and a ! ock of birds ! ying over distant decorated with a carp emerging from waves was
mountain peaks, the base partially unglazed with sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 28th November
a central recessed circle glazed white and the six- 2005, lot 1374. A variant to the form, a lobed
character mark in underglaze blue famille-verte green-ground example, from the
Diameter 5¾ in., 14.6 cm E. T. Chow Collection, decorated with a dragon
and carp emerging from waves, was sold in our