Page 92 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 92
AN EXTREMELY LARGE AND RARE her chief residence between 1856 and 1885.
BLUE AND YELLOW ‘NINE PEACH’ Ronald W. Longsdorf in ‘The Tongzhi Imperial
CHARGER Wedding Porcelain’, Orientations, October 1996,
p. 70, notes that Cixi had the palace refurbished
CHUXIUGONG MARK, GUANGXU on her 50th birthday in 1884, with luxurious
PERIOD objects of monumental size, many modeled after
prototypes from the 18th century.
stoutly potted, with gently rounded sides
rising from a short foot, painted in deep tones The design of nine peaches in underglaze blue
of underglaze blue with a central medallion and yellow enamel is derived from Yongzheng and
enclosing a gnarled peach tree, its two principal Qianlong period porcelains. Compare a smaller
branches extending around the border of the Yongzheng dish in the Percival David Collection
panel, issuing nine ripening peaches, the reverse at the British Museum, illustrated in Margaret
with a continuous scroll of morning glory, all Medley, Illustrated Catalogue of Ming Polychrome
reserved on a rich lemon-yellow ground stopping Wares, London, 1978, pl. A795. Another dish of
neatly around the four-character Chu xiu gong zhi the same size, but Qianlong mark and period, in
seal mark, reserved in a white cartouche the National Palace Museum, Taipei, is illustrated
Diameter 28⅜ in., 72.1 cm in Porcelain of the National Palace Museum.
Blue-and-White Ware of the Ch’ing Dynasty, Hong
PROVENANCE Kong, 1968, pls 29a-b.
Collection of Gustav Detring (1842-1913) or Three smaller dishes of this design and bearing
Constantin von Hanneken (1854-1925), and
Chuxiugong marks are known. The " rst, in the
thence by descent.
Baur Collection, Geneva (64.7 cm diameter), is
illustrated in John Ayers, The Baur Collection.
Chinese Ceramics, vol. 4, Geneva, 1974, pl. A586.
Chinesischekunst/Exhibition of Chinese Art, Another, formerly in the collection of Captain Otto
Berlin, 1929, cat. no. 723.
Lö< er (48.3 cm diameter), was sold at Christie’s
The Chuxiugong (Palace of Gathering Elegance) London, 8th November 2005, lot 170. A third,
is one of the six Western palaces in the Forbidden 27cm diameter, sold in our Paris rooms, 9th June
City, favored by the Empress Dowager Cixi and 2011, lot 203.
$ 40,000-60,000
Έၫ රήڡڀɘࣹᚂ،ڀ̓७ɽᆵ
ᅃᆪ 1842 1913 אဏॶ࣬ 1854 1925 ϗ
The present lot included in the catalogue Chinesischekunst/Exhibition of Chinese Art, Berlin, 1929, cat. no. 723.