Page 87 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 87
The Qianlong emperor advocated that 碧玉玉質,含黑色斑點。屏圓形。一屏正面 乾隆皇帝對於玉雕插屏及山子等雕刻強調
jade mountains and carved panels should 雕山陰松亭,一老者手持桃枝,兩童子手持 「畫意」,不論宮廷造辦處或蘇、揚玉作,
carry the spirit of paintings by famous past 仙果而來,背面雕松柏雙鹿圖;另一屏正面 製作玉器皆首重選料及畫樣。畫意玉器的稿
masters. It is recorded that a number of 雕山間棧道,一老人策杖庭前等候,兩童子 樣,通常取自內府收藏之名家古畫,如關仝
classical paintings from the emperor’s own 挑磬而來,背面則雕仙鶴靈芝。 (907-960)之《關山行旅圖》等雕刻於玉
collection was ordered to be reproduced in 器上,並一如畫作,在玉器留白處作御題
jade such as the well-known painting entitled 此對碧玉圓屏一面以仙山祝壽為主題,另一 詩。
Travellers in the Mountain, by the painter 面則分別雕柏樹靈鹿及松柏仙鶴,分別寓意
Guan Tong of the Five Dynasties (907-960 「百齡食祿」及「松鶴延年」,成對又有 香港邦瀚斯曾售出一件清乾隆碧玉雕王母賀
AD). In one of the emperor’s poems, as 「鹿鶴同春」之意,雕工細緻,清新雅緻, 壽圖插屏,背面亦雕松柏雙鹿,2008年12
discussed in an essay by Yang Boda, Arts of 有長壽之意,為當時宮廷文房陳設玉器。以 月4日,拍品204;另見香港佳士得曾售出一
Asia, ‘Jade: Emperor Ch’ien Lung’s Collection 此主題雕刻並成對者為數不多,見北京故宮 對清乾隆白玉雕仙山祝壽圖插屏,其紋飾佈
in the Palace Museum, Peking’, March-April 博物院清宮舊藏一對白玉雕鶴鹿人物插屏, 局與此對插屏類似,2007年11月27日,拍
1992, the emperor noted in reference to a 著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:玉器 品1511。
jade panel: (下)》,上海,2008年,頁88-89,
‘This piece of precious jade slab is from
Khotan. It is unsuitable for making vessels
such as the dragon hu and animal Lei. In
order to fully utilise it, it is carved into a panel
with the scene of “A Riverside City on a
Spring Morning”. Imagination is exerted to
turn the natural undulation or ruggedness into
an appropriate landscape... It takes ten days
to carve a tiny bit of water and five days to
shape a piece of rock. The crafting is indeed
very time-consuming.’
See a related spinach-green jade double-
sided circular screen, Qianlong, decorated
with Shoulao greeting Xiwangmu, the reverse
similarly carved with a stag and doe, which
was sold in these rooms, 4 December 2008,
lot 204; compare also a pair of white jade
circular screens, Qianlong, with related
subject matter of sages, attendant striking a
musical stone, and cranes, which was sold
at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 November 2007,
lot 1511.