Page 82 - Fine Chiense Paintings Mar. 20, 2018
P. 82


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          YIN ZIXIANG (1909-1984)            LU XIAOMAN (1903-1965)            ZHENG MUKANG (1901-1982)
          Tending Horses                     Flowering Berries                 Ladies
          Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color   Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk  Hanging scroll, ink and color on paper
          on paper                           25 º x 12 ¿ in. (64.2 x 30.8 cm.)  39 Ω x 8 ¿ in. (100.2 x 20.5 cm.)
          17 x 31 ¬ in. (43.1 x 80.3 cm.)    Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the   Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the
          Inscribed with a poem and signed, with two   artist                  artist
          seals of the artist                Dated summer, yiyou year (1945)   Dated winter, wuwu year (1978)
          Dated autumn, eighth month, guiwei year   $1,000-1,500               Dedicated to Liuwen
          (1943)                                                               One collector’s seal, and one illegible seal
                                             陸小曼 花香清芬 設色絹本 立軸
          $1,500-2,000                       一九四五年作                            $2,500-3,000
          殷梓湘 柳蔭飲馬 設色紙本 鏡片                   題識:歲在乙酉(1945)年仲夏月擬南田              鄭慕康 弱柳扶風 設色紙本 立軸
          一九四三年作                             翁法, 小曼陸睂於上海                       一九七八年作
          題識:                                鈐印:陸睂、小曼                          題識:劉文同志正之。戊午(1978年)仲
          一片柳蔭飛戰場,唿芻飲水趁斜陽。                                                     冬月,鄭慕康。
          紅樓有美偏多怨,怎不駝歸衣綠郎。                                                     鈐印:鄭師玄印、慕康畫記
          癸未(1943年)秋八月,梓湘殷錫梁。                                                  藏印:陳、一印漫漶不清

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