Page 79 - Fine Chiense Paintings Mar. 20, 2018
P. 79

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          LIN SANZHI (1898-1989)                              TANG DI (1878-1948)
          Cursive Calligraphy                                 Pine Tree
          Hanging scroll, ink on paper                        Hanging scroll, ink on paper
          37 √ x 12 ¬ in. (96.4 x 32 cm.)                     Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
          Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist  Dated spring, jiaxu year (1934)
          Dedicated to Leming                                 Dedicated to Songyin
          $8,000-12,000                                       $3,000-6,000
          林散之 書法 水墨紙本 立軸                                      湯滌 松 水墨紙本 立軸 一九三四年作
          題識:遠上寒山石徑斜,白雲深處有人家。停車坐愛楓林晚,霜                        題識:松隱吾兄老友補壁,甲戌(1934年)春,弟湯滌。
          葉紅於二月花。樂明同志雅屬,杜牧《山行》,林散之。                           鈐印:定之弄翰

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