Page 66 - Arts D'Asie June 20 2017 Christie's
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SCEAU EN JADE VERT EPINARD SCULPTE                                       YOUQUA (ATTRIBUE A, CIRCA 1850)
CHINE, DYNASTIE QING (1644-1911)                                         QUATRE SCENES QUOTIDIENNES DE LA VIE EN CHINE

De section carrée, il est surmonté d’une prise en forme de dragon        Huile sur toile.
bicéphale, la gueule ouverte et menaçante, reposant sur les grifes
acérées des pattes avant, le corps couvert d’écailles, percé de part     Deux peintures représentent des hommes s’adonnant à des jeux de
en part pour laisser passer un cordon en soie. La base porte une
inscription à six caractères ‘Shiquan laoren zhibao’ (Trésor du vieil    hasard, une autre montrant une jeune fancée se préparant pour ses
homme des dix campagnes militaires), faisant allusion à l’Empereur
Qianlong (1736-1795).                                                    noces et la dernière un couple buvant du thé.
Dimensions : 12.5 x 10 x 10 cm. (4√ x 3√ x 3√ in.) ; socle
                                                                         Dimensions : 63 x 50 cm. (24æ x 19æ in.)                                                                           (4)

                                                                         €25,000-35,000                                                                                                     $28,000-38,000

€10,000-15,000  $11,000-16,000                                           YOUQUA (ATTRIBUTED TO, CIRCA 1850)
                £8,500-13,000                                            FOUR CHINESE SCENES, OIL ON CANVAS

PROVENANCE                                                               煜呱(傳) 人物圖 油畫 一組四件

Private French collection.                                               Youqua was based in Hong Kong and Canton. He is one of the
                                                                         contemporary painters based in southern China to specialise in
A SPINACH GREEN JADE ‘SHIQUAN LAOREN ZHIBAO’ SEAL                        export paintings, both in oil on canvas and in watercolour. Compare to
                                                                         a set of two sold at Christie’s, London, 15 July, 2005, lot 275.

清 碧玉璽『十全老人之寶』


Many seals with the inscription of ‘Shiquan laoren zhibao’ (Treasure of
the old man of ten military campaigns) or ‘Shiquan laoren’ (Old man of
ten military campaigns) are known to exist since the Qianlong period.
It is record thirteen times in the ‘Baosu’ (Treasured seals) anthology
compiled since Emperor Qianlong’s reign. The one in the collection
of the Taipei Palace Museum is also carved out of spinach green jade
with a text on Qianlong’s ten successful military campaigns inscribed
on its four sides, and is slightly bigger than the present one. See
Imperial Seals of the Ming and the Qing Dynasties, Classics of the
Forbidden City, Beijing, 2008, pl. 199. Compare to another sold at
Christie’s, London, 12 May 2009, lot 15.



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