Page 71 - Jie Rui Tang Kangxi porcelain mar 2018
P. 71

334     A FAMILLE-VERTE                 ⌲Ꮴ⛆   ρᒖ҈⡲᝟㎎⤰ృ⨣
                   ‘BUDDHIST LION’

                   Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Period     ҳ⎽
                                                   Cohen   Cohen⧍侚2001䎃
                   of archaistic zun form, the bulging mid-section
                   enameled with three lively Buddhist lions
                   each playing with an exuberantly beribboned
                   brocade ball, set between ruyi-head borders,
                   the tapering shoulder with a band of iron-red
                   and gilt peony # owerheads against a green
                   diaper ground surmounted by two sinuous
                   striding chilong amid lea! ng lotus blossoms, all
                   between upright and pendent plantain leaves
                   respectively encircling the # aring neck and
                   splaying base, raised white ! llets dividing each
                   decorative zone, green-enameled continuous
                   keyfret around the galleried rim and foot, the
                   base recessed, coll. no. 217.
                   Height 17⅜ in., 44 cm
                   Cohen & Cohen, London, 2001.
                   $ 40,000-60,000

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