Page 166 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
P. 166


                                            A QINGBAI EWER
                                            SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY

                                            of globular form rising to a short cylindrical neck
                                            with two raised bands, a short tapered spout
                                            opposite the upright handle, decorated overall
                                            with incised swirling lines applied with a three-
                                            tooth comb, a band of incised angled lines around
                                            the neck, covered with a sea-green glaze save
                                            for the biscuit base red to a warm tan color,
                                            Japanese wood box (2)
                                            Diameter 5⅞ in., 14.9 cm

                                            $ 6,000-8,000

                                       637  638

             638                            PROPERTY FROM A NEW ENGLAND COLLECTION
                                            TWO QINGBAI BOWLS
                                            SONG DYNASTY

                                            one with thin rounded sides terminating in an
                                            unglazed rim, carved to the center well with a
                                            foliate spray covered with a translucent pale blue
                                            glaze, the second with shallower sides and raised
                                            on a splayed pedestal foot, applied with a pale
                                            blue glaze; together with a thin-walled foliate
                                            rim conical bowl, Yaozhou kilns, Northern Song
                                            dynasty, the pale gray body covered with a pale
                                            bluish-gray glaze stopping short of the unglazed
                                            foot (3)
                                            Largest Diameter 5 in., 12.8 cm

                                            Collection of Pauline B. (1910-2000) and Myron
                                            S. (1906-1992) Falk Jr., New York.
                                            Christie’s New York, 21st September 2001,
                                            lot 464.

                                            $ 3,000-5,000

                                            Pauline B 1910 2000       Myron S 1906 1992
                                            Falk Jr                           464

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