Page 90 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
P. 90


PROPERTY FROM THE JEFFREY M. KAPLAN COLLECTION                      The shape and inlaid decoration of this vessel are based on
                                                                    ancient prototypes from the Warring States period, 5th-3rd
A GOLD AND SILVER-INLAID BRONZE TAPIR-                              century B.C., such as one example in the National Palace
FORM VESSEL (ZUN)                                                   Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Special Exhibition of Shang and
MING DYNASTY, 16TH / 17TH CENTURY                                   Chou Dynasty Bronze Wine vessels, National Palace Museum,
                                                                    Taipei, 1989, cat. no. 66.
 nely cast after the archaic bronze wine vessel, the beast
standing four square with head raised and ears pricked, the         Later archaistic vessels of this form have historically been
mouth slightly open and pierced below a curled snout, bearing       dated broadly to the Song to Ming dynasties, with a number
a collar encircling the neck, the sides and haunches cast with      attributed to the Yuan dynasty, such as one included in the
scrolls and swirling patterns in low relief, with the long tapered  exhibition Through the Prism of the Past. Antiquarian Trends
tail swept to the side below a hinged circular cover, profusely     in Chinese Art of the 16th to 18th Century, National Palace
decorated all over with archaistic motifs in silver inlay and       Museum, Taipei, 2008, cat. no. III-55. A slightly smaller
gilt, the bronze with an enhanced greenish-brown patina with        vessel, similarly cast and inlaid is illustrated in Philip K. Hu,
patches of malachite-green encrustation                             Later Chinese Bronzes. The Saint Louis Museum and Robert
Length 11½ in., 29.2 cm                                             E. Kresko Collections, Saint Louis, 2008, pl. 6, where the
                                                                    author notes that the addition of low and medium cast relief
PROVENANCE                                                          patterns suggests a Ming dynasty manufacture. See also
                                                                    another similar example, acquired by Henri Cernuschi in 1896,
Sydney L. Moss, London, 2000.                                       attributed to the 16th to early 17th century, in the exhibition
                                                                    Bronzes de la Chine impériale des Song aux Qing, Musée
EXHIBITED                                                           Cernuschi, Paris, 2013, cat. no. 42.

Escape from the Dusty World, Sydney L. Moss, London, 1999,
cat. no. 113.

$ 20,000-30,000

Sydney L Moss         2000

Escape from the Dusty World  Sydney L Moss

     1999        113

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