Page 86 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
P. 86

႒560                                                            The inscriptions found on the present vessels are written in
                                                                 sini script, a Chinese Islamic calligraphic form for the Arabic
AN ARABIC-INSCRIBED BRONZE INCENSE                               script which was developed in the early Ming dynasty. It is used
SET                                                              extensively in mosques in Eastern China with notable examples
16TH / 17TH CENTURY                                              found in the mihrab of the Niujue mosque, Beijing.

comprising a tripod censer cast with a four-character Zhengde    A complete incense set of this type, decorated with Arabic
seal mark; a pear-shaped vase with a pair of loop handles; a     inscriptions, such as the present lot, is rare although a similar
circular box and cover; a spatula, all with Arabic inscriptions  set is illustrated in Liu Xirong, Zhongding mingxiang. Rongzhai
on granulated grounds within shaped panels; and a pair of        qinggong zhenshang, vol. 3, Beijing, 2013, pp 94-95. Another
bamboo-form chopsticks, the bronze patinated to a warm           closely related set, but slightly smaller in size, was sold at
reddish-brown color (7)                                          Christie’s Hong Kong, 30th November 2016, lot 3394, and a
Width of widest 8⅛ in., 20.5 cm                                  third set was o ered in our Hong Kong rooms, 30th October
                                                                 1991, lot 315.

Sotheby’s London, 26th June 1973, lot 76.

$ 40,000-60,000

1973 6 26        76

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