Page 172 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 172


Dr. Tsui Tsin-tong, GBS, JP, (1941-2010), better known by his alias       徐展堂,金紫荊星章,太平紳士(1941-2010),更為人熟知
T.T. Tsui, was a Hong Kong entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a famous     T.T.Tsui,江蘇宜興人,是香港著名商人、實業家、經濟冒險家、慈
connoisseur of Chinese art.                                               善家及藝術文物收藏家。1970年代初在香港經濟蕭條時因冒險大手購
A native of Yixing, Jiangsu province, T.T. Tsui emigrated to Hong Kong    而奠定其經濟基礎。
at the age of nine. He made his fortune through stock market and
property development during the economic boom of the 1970s                徐先生在中國古董收藏界極富盛名,享有「古董大亨」的美譽,藏品
and 1980s.                                                                數量可媲國家級博物館。他醉心中國藝術的同時,對推動中國文化亦
T.T. Tsui began collecting Chinese antiques during this period of         「徐展堂中國藝術館」及香港大學的「徐展堂樓」之展品均由徐氏藝
stability amassing a large and exceptional private collection. His        術基金捐贈;除此之外,徐先生對世界各地博物館的中國藝術館亦捐
well-known passion for Chinese art and led to the founding of the         贈過文物和相關資金,曾捐贈的博物館包括英國維多利亞及阿伯特博
Tsui Art Foundation, established to fulfil T.T. Tsui’s wish to encourage  物館、澳大利亞國家藝術館、加拿大皇家安大略省博物館、上海博物
international interest in Chinese art. Hightlights from his personal      館及南京博物館等,為促進世界文化交流作出舉足輕重的貢獻。
collection in turn have formed the three thousand strong collection
of Chinese art previously exhibited at the Tsui Museum of Art, later
forming the permanent exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of Art.
Through his foundation, T.T. Tsui loaned a part of his collection to the
University Museum and Art Gallery in Hong Kong, and also made great
donations of Chinese Art to the Victoria and Albert Museum, London,
the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, the Art Institute of Chicago, the
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra and the Shanghai Museum.

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