Page 173 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 173


Gerald M. Greenwald’s passion in collecting Chinese ceramics began         葛沃得先生收藏中國瓷器逾三十五載,所藏珍品縱橫中國陶瓷史逾二
when he acquired his first imperial porcelain more than thirty-five years  千年,尤其被瓷器淨潔秀麗的瓷胎、優美造型以及精湛燒製技術所吸
ago. He was particularly drawn by the beauty and fineness of Chinese       引,從購買了其第一件收藏的瓷器後便從此傾心並專注於蒐集清代瓷
porcelain, and how potters were able to fire them to perfection.           器精品。葛氏多年來對中國陶瓷藝術孜孜以求,好學不倦,令其珍藏
His inspiring first-buy led him to be more deeply involved in the art      得以不斷擴充和完善。經過多年苦心經營,其藏品如今在收藏界均被
history of Chinese ceramics, focusing mainly on imperial Qing dynasty      視為精美典範。葛氏所珍藏的瓷器件件精緻優美,其中以清代康雍乾
porcelains of exceptional quality.                                         瓷器尤為可觀,如本拍品的一對清雍正鬥彩祥雲紋馬蹄式水丞。

He gradually accumulated a ceramic collection spanning over two
thousand years of Chinese history, but porcelains of the three greatest
Qing dynasty emperors: Kangxi (1662-1722), Yongzheng (1723-1735)
and Qianlong (1736-1795), were the tour de force of his collection, as
exemplified in the present exceptionally rare pair of doucai waterpots.
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