Page 33 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
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CHAPTER  1  Introduction

                        commodity  so  as  to  illustrate  its  trade  history.    Apart  from  the  examination  of

                        Chinese porcelain that has survived in collections, an important contribution of this

                        group’s scholarship is the archival resources they have revealed.

                            It should be noted that during the eighteenth century, EEIC and the Dutch East

                        India Company (hereafter VOC)   were the two leading companies who traded with
                        China,  although  there  were  other  companies  who  traded  at  Canton,  such  as  the

                        Swedish East India Company, the French East India Company and the Danish East

                        India Company. However, comparing studies on the trade of tea and textiles, studies

                        about the porcelain trade relating to these companies are relatively fewer in number.

                        Recently,  global  historians  have  explored  more  comprehensively  the  trade  of  tea,

                        textiles  and  silk  of  the  French  East  India  Company  and  Swedish  East  India

                        Company.   However, studies on the porcelain trade of French East India Company
                        are only partially known.   Michael Beurdeley has contributed substantially to the

                        existing literature on the subject of Chinese export porcelain from several points of

                        view.  In  his  book,  Porcelain  of  the  East  India  Companies,  Beurdeley  provides

                        valuable  descriptions  of  the  East  India  Companies,  with  a  focus  on  the  porcelain

                        markets of each company. In terms of the porcelain trade of the French East India

                        27   Volker, Porcelain and the Dutch East India Company; Jörg, The Dutch China Trade; Mudge,
                        the American Trade.
                        28   When referring to the Dutch East India Company, the following part of this thesis will use
                        VOC as an abbreviation for Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie.
                        29   Felicia Gottmann, Global Trade, Smuggling and the Making of Economic Liberalism, Asian
                        Textiles in France 1680-1760 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016); Hanna Hodacs, Silk and
                        Tea in the North: Scandinavian Trade and the Markets for Asian Goods in 18  Century Europe
                        (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
                        30   For  the  French  East  India  Company  trade,  Louis  Dermigny,  La  Chine  et  l’Occident:  le
                        commerce a ̀  Canton au XVIIIe sie ̀ cle, 1719-1833, 4 vols., (Paris,1964); Donald C. Wellington,
                        French East India Companies: A Historical Account and Record of Trade (Lanham: Hamilton,
                        2006). For the porcelain of the French East India Company, more recent book is the companion
                        catalogue to the exhibition at the Company museum in Lorient in 2002 by Louis Mézin, Cargoes
                        From China: Porcelain from the Compagnies des Indes in the Musée de Lorient (Lorient: Musée
                        de la Compagnie des Indes, 2002).
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