Page 31 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
P. 31

CHAPTER  1  Introduction

                            As I will show in this thesis, from the point of view of production, there were

                        interactions between the main manufacturing sites by exchanging techniques, the raw

                        materials and the craftsmen. From the point of view of consumption, the assumption

                        that ‘imperial wares’ were exclusively consumed by the court is in fact, untenable.

                        The term ‘imperial wares’ refers to porcelain that was produced in the ‘imperial kiln’

                        and  was  produced  for  the  court.  Special  kilns  were  thus  established  to  produce

                        porcelain specifically for the court, which were named ‘imperial kiln’. However, when

                        the order from the court was high and large quantities were demanded, porcelain from

                        other kilns, namely private kilns that produced porcelain for the market,   could also
                        be  purchased  and  sent  to  the  court. At  the  beginning  of  the  establishment  of  the

                        ‘imperial kiln’, it was very strict that only the best pieces of porcelain from private

                        kilns could be purchased and sent to the court, but towards the end of sixteenth century,

                        the boundary between the ‘imperial kiln’ and private kiln was blurring.   There is

                        significant  evidence  to  support  my  claim  that  some  objects  we  currently  view  as

                        ‘imperial wares’ were in fact circulated outside the court.

                            Anne  Gerritsen  and  Giorgio  Riello  have  made  a  further  contribution  to  this

                        discussion, urging scholars to reconsider the use and interpretation of things in a wider

                        context of material cultures and their global interactions and connections.   I propose
                        in my thesis that it is necessary to approach Chinese porcelain in a more historical

                        22   Private kilns produced porcelain for the domestic and export markets. In 1743, the number of
                        private kilns in Jingdezhen was up to 300. For a brief investigation of the number of private kilns
                        during the Qing dynasty, see Christine Moll-Murata, ‘Guilds and Apprenticeship in China and
                        Europe: The Jingdezhen and European Ceramics Industries’ in Maarten Prak and Jan Luiten van
                        Zanden (eds.), Global Economic History Series: Technology, Skills and the Pre-Modern Economy
                        in the East and the West (Leiden, NL: Brill, 2013), pp.229-230.
                        23   Kerr and Wood, Ceramic Technology, p.188.
                        24   Chapter 3 of this thesis will address this issue.
                        25   Anne Gerritsen and Giorgio Riello (eds.), The Global Lives of Things: The Material Culture of
                        Connections in the Early Modern World (Oxon: Routledge, 2016), pp.1-29
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