Page 26 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
P. 26

CHAPTER  1  Introduction

                            This approach is exemplified by Hugh Moss’s book, By Imperial Command: An

                        Introduction  to  Ch'ing  Imperial  Painted  Enamels,  published  in  1976.  The  main

                        purpose of this book was to illustrate the collection of enamelled porcelain in the

                        residence of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties known as the Forbidden

                        City. Subsequent exhibitions and scholarly publications reiterate the idea of ‘imperial

                        wares’. The introduction of the catalogue of Special Exhibition of Ch’ing Dynasty

                        Enamelled Porcelain of the Imperial Ateliers, an exhibition held at the National Palace

                        Museum in Taipei in 1978 highlights the objects that were recorded in the Imperial

                        Household  Department  Archives.    It  has  provided  valuable  information  on  the
                        Imperial  Household  Department  Archives,  but  has  also  served  to  single  out  the

                        exclusive association made by scholars with the imperial court. Following a similar

                        framework  that  associates  enamelled  porcelain  with  the  emperor  and  making

                        extensive use of the records of the Imperial Household Department Archives, two

                        other exhibitions were held in the same museum. The Stunning Decorative Porcelains

                        from the Chi’ien-lung Reign exhibition was held from 2008 to 2010.   This two-year

                        exhibition allowed the public to view more than five hundred pieces of enamelled

                        porcelain from the Qianlong period (r.1736-1795). The catalogue of this exhibition

                        was written in both Chinese and English, and provided detailed information about the

                        production, imperial commission and display of enamelled porcelain at the court. This

                        11   The Imperial Household Department was an institution of Qing-dynasty China. Its primary
                        purpose was to manage the internal affairs of the Qing imperial family and the activities of the
                        inner  palace.  See  Evelyn  Rawski,  The  Last  Emperors:  A  Social  History  of  Qing  Imperial
                        Institutions (Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London, 2001). In manuscript form, with detailed records
                        of manufacture of works of art from 1723 to 1911, Imperial Household Department Archives is
                        the most important source for the understanding of the imperial management system of imperial
                        workshops, now collected in the First Historical Archives in Beijing.
                        12   Along with the exhibition, the National Palace Museum has published a website in Chinese,
                        English and Japanese relating to the exhibition: See
              , accessed on 25 April, 2013.
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