Page 27 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
P. 27

CHAPTER  1  Introduction

                        exhibition was launched for the 83  anniversary of the National Palace Museum,
                        and proved to be so successful that the catalogue was reprinted four times.

                            In 2012, another exhibition, entitled A special exhibition of porcelain with painted

                        enamel in Yongzheng period (r.1723-1735) of the Qing dynasty was held between

                        December 2012 and October 2013. This exhibition presented enamelled porcelain

                        only made during the Yongzheng period and the curator Cai  Hebi  illustrated this

                        enamelled porcelain from the style of decorative patterns, the emperor’s taste as well

                        as the rareness of such objects.

                            These exhibitions shed light on the study of enamelled porcelain of the Qing

                        dynasty,  especially  in  the  reign  of  the  three  emperors  Kangxi,  Yongzheng  and

                        Qianlong of the eighteenth  century. However, none of these exhibitions and their

                        catalogues made mention of the issue of how enamelled porcelain circulated beyond

                        the court. Holding the largest collection of Chinese art, the National Palace Museum,

                        its exhibitions and researchers all played a fundamental role in the study of Chinese

                        art. The exclusive emphasis on the imperial collection, and the neglect of all other

                        consumers of enamelled porcelain therefore resulted in a situation in which the world

                        of connoisseurship and the public’s perception on enamelled porcelain are severely

                        13   The holdings of the National Palace Museum are composed primarily of the imperial collection
                        of the Qing dynasty. Most of the collection was housed within the imperial city. In 1948, the
                        Chinese Nationalist Party shipped more than 4,000 objects in three groups from Nanjing to Taiwan.
                        In 1965, the collection was finally opened to the public as the National Palace Museum. Now it
                        has nearly 700,000 pieces. For a brief history of its collection, see, Chang Linsheng, ‘The National
                        Palace Museum: A History of the collection’ in Wen Fong, James C. Y. Watt, Possessing the Past:
                        Treasures  from  the  National  Palace  Museum,  Taipei  (Taipei  &  New  York:  National  Palace
                        Museum and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1996), pp.3-27.
                        14   The National Palace Museum. ‘Stunning Decorative Porcelain from the Chi’en lung Reign’,
              , accessed on 25 April, 2013. For the
                        catalogue, see Liao Baoxiu,  Huali yangcai: Qianlong yancai tezhan  [Illustrated Catalogue of
                        Stunning Decorative Porcelains from the Ch'ien-lung reign] (Taipei: The National Palace Museum,
                        15   Yu Peiji, Jincheng xuying; For the website of this exhibition, see
              , accessed on 25 April 2013.
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