Page 119 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 119

HIZEN POTTERY.                         8l

                                        No. 114.

               Painted   in  blue   upon   a  covered   Cup    of  sometsuke
          porcelain, made at Arita.    Toshi-ki-an Ki-so seisu.     Made by
          Kiso Toshikian.

                                        No  115.

               Painted   in  blue  upon    a  choice   example   of  modern
          sometsuke porcelain.   Toshi-ki-an   Ki-so seisu.   Made by Kiso
          Toshikian.   This   inscription  is  written  in  the Sosho  style
          the  one   above   it,  having  the  same    meaning,   is  in  the
          Kaisho  style.
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