Page 130 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 130

92                      SATSUMA POTTERY.



                                                    No.  136.

                          Painted   in gold upon    a covered Tea Jar     of very early
                     ware.    The upper character     is  Kai, the name of the     artist
                     by whom the lacquer decoration of the vessel was executed
                     the lower character    is  his mark.

                                                    No.  137.

                          Painted in red upon a Saucer of modern faience.          Shio-
                     ZAN.   Shiozan, the name of the maker.

                                                    No. 138.

                          Painted in red upon a Flower Vase made           in 1875   a.d.
                      The character   at the top of the   first column to the right    is
                     the  first letter of the Japanese alphabet,    I, and those below
                     it are Dai-go-go, No.    5,  the whole meaning     /, No. 5.   The
                      other  characters   are  Nip-pon,   Naka-jima   seisu, Satsu-ma.
                     Made by Nakajima, Satsuma, Japan.
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