Page 312 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 312


                 274      LACQUER, ENAMELS, METAL, WOOD, IVORY, ETC.

                 with   gold,  in  imitation  of  the  skin  of  a  pear, which    is
                  known in Europe as aventurine from        its resemblance to   the
                  Venetian  glass  so  called    the  Ro-iro,  or pure  black    and
                                              ;                               ;
                  the  SJm-imri,  or pure  red  lacquer.
                       Five  examples    of   ancient  work,   said  to  have   been
                  made between the sixth and the thirteenth centuries, are pre-
                  served  in the temples and museums         of Japan, and    native
                  records  give the names of successive noted      artists who have
                  lived from  the  twelfth  century to the   present day     but the
                  choice works which are now so highly prized date only from
                  the seventeenth   century, when the age of luxury and       refine-
                  ment which has since continued, commenced, and the exquisite
                  examples   of  flat  and   raised  gold lacquer were produced
                  by  artists who worked     under   the  patronage   of  the  feudal
                  nobles.   These   rare specimens do     not  bear  the  signatures
                  of  the  makers,   for  it  was   not  the   custom   to  sign,  or
                  indeed   mark   in  any way    whatever,   such   objects  of  art,
                  when they were produced      for the  special  use  of the patron
                  prince  of  the   artist.  The    list  of  marks  given   in  this
                  volume   is,  therefore, a meagre one, and contains no inscrip-
                  tion  of an  earlier  date than  the  period  of Anyei,   1772   to
                  1781  A.D.   This   appears upon    a luncheon-box,   in  red and
                  gold lacquer   of exquisite  quality,  in  the Bowes Collection
                  but  not a single example of the older work      in  hira  or  taki-
                  makiye  in  this,  or  indeed  in  any   other  collection  so  far
                  as the   author  is  aware,  is marked, and     the remainder    of
                  the inscriptions  are copied from specimens      of comparatively
                  recent  manufacture, and     none  of them    present  any points
                  of interest which   call  for special  remark.
                       Perhaps even more remarkable than the beautiful lacquer
                  wares  are  the  ancient  works   of  cloisonne  enamelling   upon
                  copper.    Singularly  little  is  known  of  the   origin  of this
                  art,  of its development, or of the use to which the examples
                  were   put.    It  is  indeed   stated   that  the   process   was
                  introduced   from   China   towards   the  end   of  the  sixteenth
                  century,  and   this  is  confirmed   by  the  colouring  of what'
                  are  supposed    to  be  the   earlier  efforts  of  the  Japanese
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