Page 313 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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           artists,  which,  in  this  respect,  bear  a  strong  resemblance
           to   the  Chinese    enamels   of   the  fifteenth  and   sixteenth
           centuries,  whilst   still  showing   evidence    of  the   greater
           delicacy  of manipulation,    beauty and grace     of design,  and
           refinement   of  colouring  characteristic  of  the  nobler works
           of a  later  period, which appear    to have been unknown        to
           Japanese   writers,  whose   remarks    refer  only  to  the  work
           upon   porcelain,  and   the   coarse  imitations   upon   copper,
           which have been     extensively produced    during the    past  ten
                The   ancient  works    are  very   seldom   marked,   indeed
           two examples    only have come under our notice upon which
           the  names    of  the  makers   appear, and    four  others   upon
           which  there  are  inscriptions  of  a  different  nature, none  of
           which  afford any    information  as  to  the  date  of the  ware.
           It does not come within the scope of this brief notice of the
           art  to  speculate upon   the  uses  to which these productions
           may have been put, but the presence of the imperial insignia
           upon many     of  the   choicest  pieces, and   the  character   of
           the  designs and   ornamentation     of most   of them,    confirm
           the  opinion   which    has   been   expressed    by  the    ablest
          Japanese   authorities, that they were made        for  the  use  of
          the  Mikados, or formed part      of  the  treasures   of the  chief
          temples, which were presided over by members of the imperial
          family    and  this  supposition  receives  support from the    fact
          that nearly   all the  finest examples were sent to this country
          shortly after the revolution in 1868, when many of the temples
          were   dismantled.
               The   efforts of the Japanese workers in bronze,     iron, and
          other   Metals,  whether   of  the  present   day,  or  of ancient
          times,  are of great beauty and of endless variety.        The  art
          appears    to  have   originated  in  the  eighth   century,  when
          colossal figures  of Buddha, and     bells of great size and rare
          workmanship, are said to have been cast, and erected         in the
          gardens surrounding     the temples.     But these ancient works
          have disappeared, having been destroyed by the earthquakes,
          which have    always been    of  frequent  occurrence    in Japan,
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