Page 318 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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                   for  use  in  a temple,  the  word   is  coupled   with  its name.
                   Its  use  is  not   determined   by   any   fixed  rules,  but  the
                   examples   given   below   will  serve  to  indicate  the manner
                   in  which   it  is  sometimes   applied.   The   upper   character
                   in each   case   is  the word   On,   and  in  the  first  instance

                   it  is used upon    a wooden    case  containing   a valuable  tea-
                   jar  of  ancient   Bizen   stoneware,  which was     probably   the
                   prized possession   of some daimio       the  second   is engraved
                   upon   a  noble  casting  of a  dragon, dating from     the  period
                   of Genroku      and   the  third  forms   part  of the  inscription
                   engraved upon an incense burner, dedicated to some honour-
                   able purpose by the     ruler  of the province   of Bishiu.

                              ONCHAIRE.         ONDAIKUSHI.         ONKORO.
                              On Tea-case.     Artist to the Prince.  On Tncotse Burner.

                        The   words    Jiu,  or  Jinnin,   meaning    a  resident,  or
                   resident  in, are frequently found upon metal work,      especially
                   upon   sword-guards,   in  connection   with   the  names   of the
                   town and    province  in which   the maker    resided.

                         #                                A

                        JIU.             JIU.            JIUNIN.     CHOSHIU, HAGI  JIU.
                        '•esuicfit.   A  resideJit.      resident in.  A  resicit’7it \in) Ila^i, Choshiu.
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