Page 75 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 75

MARKS AND SEALS ON POTTERY.                    37

               The   factory of Ohokawachi,     in Hizen, was    founded by
          the prince of that province, who reserved       all the wares pro-
           duced   for  his own  use,  or  for  presentation  to  the  rulers
           and nobles   of the  country.    Probably many     of these were
          decorated with    the  crests of those who    received them, and
           the  following badge   of the Tokugawa family appears upon
           a  plate of porcelain,  in  the Bowes   Collection,  identified  as
          having    been  made    at  this  factory  for  presentation  to  a
          member    of that family who    filled the  office of Shogun.

                            CREST  OB' THE TOKUGAWA FAMILY.

              Another distinguishing feature of the decoration employed
          at the Ohokawachi factory was the use upon the lower edges
          of the plates and saucers made there of the mark shown on
          next page    it was painted in blue, and the articles so marked
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