Page 79 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 79

MARKS AND SEALS ON POTTERY.                    41

                                THE KIKU AND  KIRI CRESTS.
                             From a fyer/unie box made by Vnsetsu^ of Kioto.

               The rudely formed tea bowls made          in the province of
          Iwaki, known     as Soma    ware,  are  generally decorated with
          one   or  both   of  the  crests  of  the  prince from whom the
          ware   takes  its  name.    Both   the  crests  are shown   in  the
          drawing given below       the  principal one   is  a  horse, which
          is drawn    alone  or tethered   to  stakes,  and  the   subsidiary
          crest   consists  of   a   central  ball   surrounded    by   eight
          smaller  ones.

                            THE CRESTS OF THE PRINCE OF SOMA.

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