Page 13 - Robert Youngman Collection Of Chinese Jade March 2019 Sotheby's
P. 13

Robert P. Youngman, The
                                     Youngman Collection of Chinese
                                     Jades from Neolithic to Qing,
                                     Chicago, 2008

                    alive.  I was entranced.  He was constantly pulling from his pocket   解。同時,亦發現我對家族藏品背後所帶文化寓
                    examples of what was being pictured in slides or discussed: a   意及來歷認知甚淺。自此,我的收藏生涯正式展
                    Tang mirror, a Song porcelain, or a Qing jade.  My interests were
                    not only heightened but were born anew for I came to realize the   開。
                    significance of the family treasures that I had been exposed to and   六十年代大學畢業後,我有幸前往遠東發展,期
                    that, here to fore, I had not fully appreciated.  A life of collecting
                    had truly begun.                              間經常會去香港,並經常於清晨前往有著「古董
                    After college, in the early 1960s when I lived in the Far East for
                    a while, often visiting Hong Kong, I would hurry to Cat Street as   第一個客戶,希望帶來好兆頭。每當我要求店家
                    early in the morning as possible so that I could be the auspicious   展示玉雕時,他們不禁面露疑惑之情,但卻都會
                    first customer of the day.  In those days, upon indicating that I   從庫裏拿出幾件小玉雕。經我仔細檢視並表達
                    would like to see some small jade carvings, I would often receive   我的意見及疑問後,店主有時會呈上茶或可口可
                    a puzzled look or raised eyebrow from the proprietor, but usually
                    some small carvings would appear.  After carefully inspecting   樂。如果他們給我上茶,我便覺得這是好預兆,
                    them, making some comments, and asking a few questions I would  但如果是可樂,可能預示當天運氣不夠好。經過
                    be asked if I wanted a Coca-Cola or, perhaps, some tea.  If I was   我長期多次拜訪,我與店家逐建立起了良好的
                    offered tea, I considered it a good sign; if Coca-Cola was the
                    offering, it was perhaps not such a good sign.  Sometimes a few   關係,他們感受到我的誠意以及認真的態度,常
                    additional pieces appeared and I felt I was making some progress.    常給予建議及指導。這段期間我有幸上手了幾百
                    Gradually, over a period of time and after several visits, I was   件玉器,仔細鑽研、觀察,從中獲取了許多重要
                    usually able to develop some rapport and the most generous who   的經驗。多年以來,我非常感謝這些古董商的無
                    sensed my seriousness would offer comments about jade carving
                    and I would learn.  The experience of being able to handle and   私分享,不厭其煩地教導我玉器相關的知識、審
                    examine hundreds of carvings over a period of time was to prove   美、寓意、真偽,獲益良多,終身受用。
                    invaluable. Through the years I have come to appreciate many
                    dealers of Chinese art who were so patient to share their unique   羅伯特•楊門, 2008年
                    knowledge of the field, educate me on the aesthetics, symbolic
                    meaning and the fine points of authentication of jade carvings.
                    Robert P. Youngman, 2008

                                                                THE ROBERT YOUNGMAN COLLECTION OF CHINESE JADEHE ROBERT YOUNGMAN COLLECTION OF CHINESE JADE  11 11
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