Page 18 - Robert Youngman Collection Of Chinese Jade March 2019 Sotheby's
P. 18

           the poet seated adorned in long flowing robes, with one arm resting on a set of books next to a large, well-hollowed globular wine jar, the jovial
           serene face delicately carved, the long flowing beard resting on the rotund belly, the hair pulled back into a ribboned cloth cap, the pale stone with
           faint white variegation

           清康熙   青白玉雕李白醉酒擺件
           Length 3 in., 7.7 cm
           $ 15,000-25,000

           PROVENANCE                           來源
           Christie’s London, 21st November 1967, lot 52.  倫敦佳士得1967年11月21日,編號52
           LITERATURE                           出版
           Robert P. Youngman, The Youngman Collection of   羅伯特•楊門,《楊門藏玉:中國玉器·新石器時代至
           Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing, Chicago, 2008,   清代》,芝加哥,2008年,圖版185
           pl. 185.

           Known for his love of drinking and his many poems celebrating the pleasures of wine, the poet Li Bai (701-762) is often depicted with a wine
           jar in 17th and 18th century jade carvings. Du Fu (712-770), one of Li’s friends and a fellow poet, features Li in his famous poem ‘Eight
           Immortals of the Wine Cup’, which describes and celebrates the drinking habits of elite literary men of his time.
           Compare a closely related piece, with the poet carved in the same posture but without the wine jar, previously in collection of Dr. Ip Yee,
           exhibited at the Min Chiu Society, Chinese Jade Carving, Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1983, cat. no. 176, and sold in our Hong
           Kong rooms, 19th November 1984, lot 59. See also two others in similar poses that sold in the same rooms, 19th May 1977, lot 687 and 29th
           April 1992, lot 637. For a jade figure of Li Bai leaning against a wine jar, attributed to the 17th/18th century, see one sold at Christie’s New
           York, 19th September 2006, lot 27.

           QING DYNASTY, 17TH - 18TH CENTURY
           finely carved, the bird recumbent with a short curved beak, a curved horn, and small pointed ears, the wings and fan-shaped tail delineated by
           stylized archaistic scrolls, the underside incised to reveal symmetrically folded legs, with nine small chicks nestled near or peering out from the
           plumage, the stone with an attractive bluish-silvery hue and russet patches

           清十七至十八世紀   青玉雕瑞鳥把件
           Length 3 in., 7.6 cm
           $ 6,000-8,000

           PROVENANCE                           來源
           J. J. Lally & Co., New York, 7th November 2001.  J. J. Lally & Co.,紐約,2001年11月7日
           LITERATURE                           出版
           Robert P. Youngman, The Youngman Collection of   羅伯特•楊門,《楊門藏玉:中國玉器·新石器時代至
           Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing, Chicago, 2008,   清代》,芝加哥,2008年,圖版89
           pl. 89.

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