Page 16 - Robert Youngman Collection Of Chinese Jade March 2019 Sotheby's
P. 16

           MING DYNASTY
           the recumbent bird grasping a peach branch in its beak, the ripe fruits and leaves falling across the back, the body naturalistically swelling at the
           chest and tapering at the tail in accordance with the shape of the stone, the wings, tail, and tucked legs all finely articulated in low relief and incised
           details, the stone a pale gray color with icy inclusions and russet veins throughout and a white calcified area at the underside of the chest

           明   灰玉雕鶴壽延年擺件
           Length 3⅝ in., 9.2 cm
           $ 5,000-7,000

           PROVENANCE                           來源
           The Peking Gallery, Toronto, 11th February 1974.  The Peking Gallery,多倫多,1974年2月11日
           LITERATURE                           出版
           Robert P. Youngman, The Youngman Collection of   羅伯特•楊門,《楊門藏玉:中國玉器·新石器時代至
           Chinese Jades from Neolithic to Qing, Chicago, 2008,   清代》,芝加哥,2008年,圖版88
           pl. 88.

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