Page 51 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
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           A FINE HUANGHUALI SQUARE DRESSING CASE WITH       Compare with a similar mirror stand in the Wang Shixiang collection,
           FOLDING MIRROR STAND, JINGJIA                     illustrated by Wang Shixiang, Mingshi jiaju yanjiu, Beijing, 2007, p.211,
           Qing Dynasty                                      pl.wu 28. Compare also with a related example, late Ming dynasty, in
           The folding mirror standing on top of a dressing case with double   the Shanghai Museum, illustrated by Wang Shixiang, Classic Chinese
           doors opening to reveal three stacked drawers, all supported on four   Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties, London, 1986, p.240. See a
           hoof feet, the lattice panel of the mirror stand carved with peony and   related example, late Ming dynasty, from the collection of Dr. S.Y.Yip,
           prunus sprigs, framing a central begonia-shaped motif, the bottom of   illustrated by G.Wu Bruce, Chan Chair and Qin Bench, The Dr. S.Y. Yip
           the stand with a lotus leaf-shaped support for the mirror, the corners   Collection of Classic Chinese Furniture II, Hong Kong, 1998, no.65;
           and edges decorated and reinforced with metal straps.    another related late Ming dynasty example from the same collection
           33.3cm (13 1/8in) wide x 33.3cm (13 1/8in) deep x 17.5cm (6 7/8in) high.  was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 5 April 2017, lot 3507.

           HKD50,000 - 80,000                                黃花梨為材,鏡架背板攢框而成,分成三層四格,每格内安鏤空花卉
           US$6,500 - 10,000                                 紋裝板,正中方格安四角牙,斗成菱花紋,中空以備鏡鈕穿過,下層
           清 黃花梨折疊鏡臺                                         側安銅鎖頭插銷,内安抽屜,可放鏡子、首飾,屜門安銅活,内翻馬
           Provenance:                                       明代黃花梨折疊式鏡台形制和本件類似,惟其荷葉式托可以上下移
           Chan Shing Kee, Hong Kong                         動,見王世襄著,《明式家具研究》,北京,2007年,戊28,頁211。
           A Hong Kong private collection, acquired from the above on 5 July 2007  上海博物館藏一件明代晚期鏡臺亦資參考,見王世襄著,《Classic
                                                             Chinese Furniture: Ming and Early Qing Dynasties》,倫敦,1986年,
           來源:                                               頁240。還可比較葉承耀醫生舊藏一件黃花梨鏡臺,著錄於伍嘉恩,
           陳勝記,香港                                            《攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具》,1998年,編號65;攻玉山房另一件
           香港私人收藏,於2007年7月5日從以上購得                            明晚期黃花梨鏡臺亦可比較之,2017年4月5日,拍品編號3507。

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