Page 53 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 53

126  TP Y
           A HUANGHUALI ROUND-CORNER TAPERED CABINET,         The present cabinet with its clean and simple lines, and a single
           YUANJIAOGUI                                        piece of huanghuali wood as the top panel, represents one of the
           Mid Qing Dynasty                                   most popular and successful designs in classical Chinese furniture
           The floating panel-top set into a standard mitre, mortise and tenon,   construction, and was widely admired throughout the Ming and Qing
           tongue and groove frame with rounded corners showing exposed   dynasties.
           tenons on the short sides, the four main stiles gently splayed and
           double-tenoned into the top, rounded on the exterior edges and square   Compare with a similar small huanghuali round-corner tapered
           in the interior, beaded along the edge between the stiles and the side   cabinet, Ming dynasty, illustrated by G.Wu Bruce, Two Decades of
           panels and doors, each door inset with a single panel and a dovetailed   Ming Furniture, Beijing, 2010, p.220.
           transverse stretcher tenoned into the door frame, the sides inset with
           hardwood panels, the interior fitted with three removable shelves,   櫃頂黃花梨攢邊打槽裝板,柜身圓材,門框黃花梨,門邊上下出頭
           the door frame members and the central stile fitted with three curved   門軸納入臼窩,兩門之間立閂桿,櫃内分三層,門板則為獨板黃花
           rectangular metal plates with three square lock receptacles.    梨,立墻及兩側板材為硬木,底棖三面嵌牙條,櫃内壁掛麻灰黑
           111cm (43 3/4in) high x 69cm (27 3/16in) wide x 43cm (16 15/16in) deep.  漆,漆面發斷紋,櫃門及閂桿安銅活。

           HKD300,000 - 500,000                               此櫃高三尺,為小型圓角櫃,北方擺於炕上,又稱炕櫃,南方則多
           US$39,000 - 65,000                                 置地上,櫃頂可放陳設器物,故櫃帽頂部裝黃花梨板平鑲,是比較
           清中期 黃花梨嵌楠木及軟木圓角櫃                                   《明式家具經眼祿》,北京2010年,頁220.

           A Hong Kong private collection

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