Page 56 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
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           128  TP Y                         129  TP Y                        130  TP Y
           FANGDENG                          FANGDENG                         ARMCHAIR, QUANYI
           Mid Qing Dynasty                  Mid Qing Dynasty                 17th/18th century
           The rectangular frame mitred and with   The rectangular frame mitred with soft cane   The elegantly-curving crestrail comprising
           moulded edges, the soft mat seat supported   seat and moulded edge above a recessed   five sections, supported by two straight back
           by a pair of bowed transverse stretchers,   waist, the underside with two bowed   posts and S-shaped front and back posts, a
           with a recessed waist transitioning to a plain   transverse stretchers, resting on four legs of   shaped spandrel beneath each out-scrolled
           and straight apron, raised on legs of square   square section terminating in hoof feet, joined   and rounded terminal, the gently-curving
           section terminating in hoof feet.    by humpback-shaped stretchers, the interior   central backsplat carved in relief with stylised
           40cm (15 3/4in) wide x 45cm (17 3/4in) deep   of the legs and apron with beaded edge.   confronted chilong enclosed within a ruyi-
           x 51cm (20in) high.               43.5cm (17 1/8in) wide x 43.5cm (17 1/8in)   shaped medallion flanked by cusped flanges,
                                             deep x 49.5cm (19 1/2in) high    the seat frame securing a soft-cane matting
           HKD120,000 - 140,000                                               and set above a beaded apron carved with
           US$15,000 - 18,000                HKD120,000 - 140,000             two interlocking leafy stems, joined by foot
                                             US$15,000 - 18,000               stretchers of ascending heights.
           清中期 黃花梨方凳                                                          58cm (22 7/8in) wide x 44.5cm (17 1/2in)
                                             清中期 黃花梨方凳                        deep x 98cm (38 1/2in) high.
           Ever Arts Gallery, Hong Kong      Provenance:
           A Hong Kong private collection, acquired from  Ever Arts Gallery, Hong Kong   HKD400,000 - 600,000
           the above on 21 August 2006       A Hong Kong private collection, acquired from   US$52,000 - 77,000
                                             the above on 21 August 2006
           來源:                                                                十七/十八世紀 黃花梨圈椅
           恆藝館,香港                            Compare with a huanghuali waisted corner-
           香港私人收藏,於2006年8月21日由以上購得  leg stool,17th/18th century, but with the   Provenance:
                                             legs unbeaded, which was sold at Bonhams   Chan Shing Kee, Hong Kong,
           Compare a similar huanghuali stool, 17th   London on 11 May 2017, lot 330.    A Hong Kong private collection, acquired from
           century, from the Ji Ya Xuan collection,                           the above on 19 February 2011
           which was sold at Sotheby’s New York, 18   黃花梨為材,木框攢邊格角,抹頭露榫,藤
           September 2013, lot 272.          編軟屜,黃花梨木條踩邊,背面穿帶兩根,              來源:
                                             冰盤沿噴出,有束腰,牙板、腿部抱肩榫拍              陳勝記,香港
           黃花梨為材,木框攢邊格角,内裝藤編軟                合,腿方材内側起陽線,兜轉馬蹄足,兩腿              香港私人收藏,於2011年2月19日購由以上
           屜,黃花梨木條踩邊,背面穿帶兩根,冰盤               之間支羅鍋棖。                          購得
           腿方材,兜轉馬蹄足,兩腿之間支羅鍋棖。               可參考一件十七/十八世紀黃花梨杌凳,為腿
           可參考一件十七世紀黃花梨方凳,形制類                斯,拍品編號330。
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