Page 57 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 57
Huanghuali chairs of this type, known as quanyi, appear to have 黃花梨為材,椅盤之上圓材,之下外圓裏方,圈椅五接,靠板略成弓
originated from designs of bamboo chairs constructed between 形,頂部開光内鏟地浮雕螭龍紋一對,兩側安角牙,扶手正下方各
the Tang and Song dynasties, where the pliable lengths of bamboo 安一條聯幫棍,扶手出頭,與鵝脖之間安小牙角,鵝脖和前腿一木連
were bent into a U-shape and tied together with natural fibres. The 做,椅盤格角榫攢邊,内安藤編軟屜,以黃花梨木條壓線脚,椅盤背
elegant single curve of the crest rail was made possible on hardwood 面安兩穿帶,腿脚三面安洼堂肚壼門牙子,正面壼門上淺浮雕交纏草
chairs from the Ming dynasty onward due to the development 葉紋,牙邊起線,脚棖之下安牙板。
of sophisticated joinery techniques allowing the slightly curved
interlocking elements to join together to form a single continuous line, 圈椅又稱圓椅,唐宋便有濫觴,宋人稱為「栲栳樣」,栲栳即為柳條
as exemplified by the present lot. 編織的圓形容器,似斗。此類椅在中國流傳極廣,至今延用,民間多
Compare with a huanghuali horseshoe-back armchair, circa 1600, 接,宛若天成。
similarly carved on the back-splat with chilong, in the collection of John
Gruber, illustrated by S.Handler, ‘Outstanding Pieces in Private Rooms: 比較John Gruber舊藏一件十七世紀黃花梨圈椅,靠背開光所刻螭龍和
Chinese Classical Furniture in New American Collections’, Chinese 本件頗似,見S. Handler著, 《Outstanding Pieces in Private Rooms:
Furniture: Selected Articles from Orientations 1984-1999, Hong Kong, Chinese Classical Furniture in New American Collections》,載於《
1999, p.169, fig.7. See another similar chair from the Collection of Chinese Furniture: Selected Articles from Orientations 1984-1999》,
Robert Hatfield Ellsworth, which was sold at Christie’s New York, 18 香港,1999年,圖版7,頁169。另有安思遠舊藏一件黃花梨圈椅可
March 2015, lot 139; and a slightly larger huanghuali horseshoe-back 資比較,2015年3月18日售於佳士得紐約,拍品編號139。還可參考
chair, 17th century, from the John and Celeste Fleming collection, 一件John 和 Celeste Fleming伉儷舊藏的黃花梨圈椅,2016年9月12
which was sold at Bonhams New York, 12 September 2016, lot 6005. 日售於紐約蘇富比,拍品編號6005;以及另一件十六/十七世紀黃花
A further example but dated 16th/17th century and fashioned with an 梨圈椅,惟靠背不著雕飾及角牙,2018年5月17日售於倫敦邦瀚斯,
undecorated splat and a humpback stretcher was sold at Bonhams 拍品編號84。
London, 17 May 2018, lot 84.