Page 290 - Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art II
P. 290

2440                                          PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION                                                                 VARIOUS PROPERTIES
JADE OVAL-SHAPED BOX AND COVER                2441                                                                                               2442
18TH-19TH CENTURY                             A PALE GREENISH-WHITE JADE MUGHAL-                                                                 A PALE GREENISH-WHITE JADE FAN
                                              STYLE ELLIPTICAL BOX AND COVER                                                                     HANDLE
The cover is carved in low relief with a      19TH CENTURY                                                                                       18TH-19TH CENTURY
central fowerhead within acanthus leaves
embellished with semi-precious stone beads.   The thin-walled box is raised on the                                                               One end has two sides with a slot between,
The sides of the box are similarly decorated  shoulders of two squatting demons and                                                              each side carved as a lotus blossom pierced
with upright acanthus leaves. The stone is    carved in low relief on the sides with                                                             at the top for a pin to secure the fan. The
semi-translucent and of white color.          scrolling, leafy stems inlaid with ‘jewels’                                                        faceted handle has futed corners and
5 in. (12.8 cm.) long                         below a narrow herringbone border at the                                                           terminates in a ruyi head pierced at the tip for
                                              rim. The cover is pierced and carved with                                                          a tassel.
$20,000-30,000                                further scrolling, leafy stems below the                                                           6Ω in. (16.5 cm.) long
                                              hollow fnial with ‘jewel’ center.
PROVENANCE:                                   7 in. (18 cm.) long, wood stand                                                                    $12,000-18,000

Morris Mesler Collection, Beverly Hills,      $6,000-8,000                                                                                       PROVENANCE:
                                              清十九世紀                                                                                              Private American collection, acquired in the
清十八/十九世紀                                      青白玉痕都斯坦式雙瑞獸托鏤雕卷草紋                                                                                  1950s-60s.
白玉痕都斯坦式莨苕紋嵌寶橢圓蓋盒                              橢圓蓋盒


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