Page 16 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 16
I5. Dish. Chinese (English market), ca. I7I5. Hard paste. Diam. I23/8 in.
(31.3cm). Helena Woolworth McCann Collection, Purchase,Winfield
Foundation Gift, by exchange, i974 (I974.I95)
The arms are those of Edward Harrison (i674-i732) and his wife, Frances Bray
(i674-i752). Thepainter would have copied a black and white drawing orprint in
whichthecolorsand metalswereindicatedbyheraldiclanguage;the wordssa (for
sable, black)and argt (for argent, silver) arejust decipherableH. arrisonevidently
recognizedthe inadequacyof his instructionsa, s oneof his next services(therewere
six altogetherforhim and his immediatefamily)duplicatesthis onebut is entirely
polychromatica,s is necessaryforcorrectblazoning.
Dish, detailofHarrisonand Brayarms