Page 21 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 21

Platter,detailof ChateauofLacko  23. Covered Punch Bowl with Platter. Chinese
                                 (Swedish market), ca. I745.Hard paste. Punch bowl:
                                 h. with cover I2I/2in. (31.8 cm). Platter: diam. 2I3/4 in.
                                 (55.2cm). Purchase,Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, I940
                                 (40.I33.Ia, b; .2)

                                 This monumentalpunchbowl, with its originalcoverand
                                 platter,musthave beenoneof the mostambitiousporcelainsto
                                 graceanAmericancolonialhouseholdW. ecanonlyspeculateas
                                 to how thebowl,thedecorationofwhichindicatesthat it was
                                 madeforthe Swedishmarket,foundits way to aprominent
                                 Charlestofnamily duringtheeighteenthcenturyI. t was listed
                                 amongthe ef/ectsofMary BrandfordBull, uponherdeathin
                                 I772, as 'IlargeChinaBowl Dish & Cover."TheBulls,one
                                 of Charleston'ws ealthiestfamilies,lived in thegrandstyle.
                                 Throughthefour daughters,the bowl descendedin thefamily
                                 and endedup in PhiladelphiabyI790. Thedetailedpainted
                                 sceneon theplatter is basedon a 1691 engravingof the
                                 SwedishChateauofLacko,on Lake Vanern.Two other
                                 Swedishchdteausdrawnfrom earlierprintsourcesarerepre-
                                 sentedon thebowl;the coverfeaturestwo Swedishchurches
                                 in a landscapewith huntsmen,fishermena, nd sailors.

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