Page 23 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 23
25.Plate. Chinese (French market), ca. I745-50. Hard paste. Diam.
io in. (25.4 cm). Gift of Charles K. Davis, 1948 (48.I72.I0)
Thearmsarethoseof Orry,and theplate maywell have beenmadefor
Jean-Henri-Louis Orry,comtedeFulvy (1703-i751), LouisXV's
intendant des finances. Fulvy was activelyengagedin the tradeand
manufactureofporcelain,as in his officialpositionhe was involved in
the importationof Chinesewares;about1740 he was alsothe effective
promoterof the Vincennes(laterSevres)factory.The ornamentalpatterns
surroundingthearmsrecallmotifsin Watteausdecorativepanels, of
whichsome-like the bat's-wing element-occur on early Vincennes
porcelain.Thepattern on therim is uniqueto thisservice,and it is
temptingto interpretthestylizedtowermotifas an obliquereferenceto
the coatof armsofMadamedePompadourt,heguidingpatronessof the
26. Platter and Plate. Platter:Chinese (Swedish Sevenexportserviceswereorderedbetweenabouti75o and i8oo bythe
market), ca. I755-60. Hard paste. W. i6 in. (40.6 cm). Grillfamily, active in the SwedishEast India Company;Jfouarre
Purchase, Winfield Foundation Gift, 1982 (1982.212). conspicuoufosr theiroriginality.Thedecorationof theplate has been
Plate: Chinese (Swedish market), ca. I750. Hard paste. attributedto ChristianPrecht(i7o6-i779), a goldsmithandjeweler
Diam. I2s/8 in. (32.2 cm). Helena Woolworth McCann workingindependentlyof theguild system;his French-trainedRococo
Collection, Purchase,Winfield Foundation Gift, 1971 styleis documentedin designsforsilver andfor exportporcelainand
Mariebergfaience.ThegracefulRococoflourishesof the bordercartouches
(1971.149) areconsistentwith Precht'sexpansivestyle,and the attributionis
plausible.The identicalborderoccurson aplate,possiblyfor the Swedish
market,datedi75o. On theplatter,which is of coarsermaterial,the
uunniiddeenntitfSiefdieddeessiiggnneerhhraassplaayyffuullylyrreeiinnvveenntezdtetthhde5heeerraallddrryy. .