Page 19 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 19
I8. Covered Beaker and Saucer.Chinese
(presumablyDutch market), 1690-1700.
Hard paste. Beaker (.210): h. with cover
31/2in. (8.3 cm). Saucer (.2II): diam. 5 /4 in.
(I3.3cm). Mark: stylized seal. Purchase
by subscription, 1879 (79.2.2Ioa, b; .2II)
Thesceneon thesaucerhasnotbeenidentified.
Theinscription,L'Empirede la vertu est
etablijusqu'aubout de l'univers, is likely
to referto Dutchpride in spreadingthat
country'sinfluenceasfar asAsia. Twenty-
five coversalonewerefoundin thecargo
of theVung Tau, datableto aboutI690-
I700-a mixed shipment of which part was
19. Plate. Chinese (Dutch market), ca. 1692.Hard paste. Diam. 20. Plate. Chinese (Dutch market), ca. I740. Hard paste. Diam.
77/8 in. (20 cm). Apocryphal reign mark of Chenghua (I465-87). 9 in. (23 cm). Gift of Estate ofJeffrey S. Childs, 1988(I988.I80.I)
Helena Woolworth McCann Collection, Purchase,Winfield
Foundation Gift, I966 (66.27.2) Thewoman representsClemencya, s describedandfirst illustrated
in thei644 editionof CesareRipas Iconologia, originallyissued
Theearliestknown exampleof a topicalsubjectin exportporcelaint,he in 1593. Ripas workwas republishedand reillustratedin several
scenedepictsthestormingof thehouseof thechiefbailiffof Rotterdam countries(includingtheNetherlands)well into the eighteenth
on October4, I690, and was copiedfroma silvermedalbyJan Smeltzing century.Thisversionof the image,in whichan additionallandscape
(r656-I693) struckthesameyear.Ephemeralsubjectswerenot well with luxuriantfoliagehasbeendrawn with carefulattentionto
suitedto the exporttrade,aspopularinterestwas not likelyto have texturaleffectsp, resumablycomesfromoneof thelatereditions.
survivedthe twoyearsit tookforan orderto becompletedt;hisplate
shouldthereforebeseenmoreas a commemorativeorderthan as the 21
porcelainequivalentof a broadsheet.