Page 166 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 166
HUANG BINHONG (1865-1955) 黃賓虹(1865-1955)
Birth names Maozhi and Zhi, courtesy name Pucun, sobriquet 名懋質,又名質,字樸存,號賓虹。安徽歙縣人。書香世家,其父黃
Binhong, he was a native of Shexian, Anhui Province. He was born in 定華,棄商好儒,喜吟詠、作畫。黃賓虹早歲往來金華、歙縣,讀書
a family of scholars. His father Huang Dinghua, who abandoned the 習畫。後問業於進士汪仲伊。庚子之亂後,因秘密組織反清「黃社」
management of his business to lead a scholarly life, was extremely ,被告發而連夜避往上海。一九〇七年加入上海國學保存會,協助鄧
fond of poetry and painting. Huang Binhong commuted between 實、黃節、柳亞子等編輯〈政藝通報〉、〈國粹學報〉、〈神州國光
Jinhua and Shexian in his early years to study literature and painting. 集〉等刊物。僑居上海期間,積極參與、組織各類學術及美術社團活
Later, he studied with the jinshi scholar Wang Zhongyi. After the Boxer 動,如「南社」、「藝觀學會」、「爛漫社」、「蜜蜂畫社」等,與
Rebellion, he fled to Shanghai to escape arrest for leading the secret 康有為、吳昌碩、柳亞子等時相往還,詩畫唱和。先後任教於上海中
anti-Qing organization “Huangshe (Yellow Society)”. In 1907, he joined 國藝術專科學校、北平藝專及杭州國立藝專。
the Society for the Preservation of Chinese Classics and assisted Deng
Shi, Huang Jie and Liu Yazi in editing publications, such as Newsletter 黃賓虹好遊,五十至七十歲間,壯遊神州,九上黃山,五上九華。期
on Politics and Art. 間對景寫生,以造化為師。八十歲前融會古人而自創面貌,八十歲後
During his stay in Shanghai, he actively organized and participated in 響頗深,所作世稱「白賓虹」;晚喜濃重北宋山水,以黑密厚實的積
various activities for academic and art associations, such as “Nanshe”, 墨法入畫,洗練凝重、遒勁有力,世稱「黑賓虹」,得「山川渾厚、
“Yiguan Xuehui (Art View Society)”, “Lanmanshe”, and “Mifeng 草木華滋」之境界。平生著述甚多,有《黃賓虹文集》六卷傳世。
Huashe (Bee Painting Society)”, and befriended many artists like Kang
Youwei, Wu Changshuo, and Liu Yazi. He had successively taught at
Academies of Fine Arts in Shanghai, Beijing and Hangzhou. Huang
loved traveling, exploring many places across China during his fifties
to his seventies, climbing Mount Huang nine times and Mount Jiuhua
five times. Through his travels, he sketched and learned from nature.
Before the age of 80, he integrated styles of ancient artists and created
one of his own. As a late bloomer, he finally fully grasped the realm of
painting after the age of 80. In his early days, he was greatly influenced
by Xin’an Painting School for its light and elegant style, and his works
from this period were known as “Bai Binhong” (white Binhong). In later
days, he loved dense landscapes of the Song Dynasty, which were
painted with dark, layered, thick ink and his works from this duration
were known as “Hei Binhong” (black Binhong). These paintings have
entirely grasped the realm of “bold mountains and rivers, exuberant
grass and trees”. Huang authored several publications, including an
impressive six volumes set Literary Collection of Huang Binhong.